Hallå där. Du har förmodligen redan sökt på några sidor i vår Micro-Repair innan du kom hit.
Här generellt kan du gå genom hemsidan för att lära känna oss bättre. Micro Repair är ett unikt IT företag som erbjuder avancerat Elektronik reparation samt coachning under processorn.

MicroRepair är en del av MTEKS för IT-solutions & Tech. Vi har varit i branschen för mer än tio år nu, vår gamla butik låg i krossgatan ,30 Vällingby fram till 2020. www.stockholmicrosoldering.se. Vi har hjälpt båda privata personer …

Mobil Skärmbyte
Här hittar du några tips att tänka på innan du besöker din lokala reparatör. Vi förstår att för iPhone-användare har många inte råd att byta till en originalskärm om du har de senaste mobilerna. I det här fallet kan du välja …

Spelkonsol Reparation
Ersätta en trasig HDMI port, lösa nätverksproblem, spelkontrollen, …

iPhone Reparation
Innan du byter ut din ursprungliga iPhone-skärm till en ny, …

Appel & Microsoft OS
macOS Monterey På många sätt är Mac-datorer byggda för …
- Monday
- 9:00-16:00
- Tuesday
- 9:00-16:00
- Wednesday
- 9:00-16:00
- Thursday
- 9:00-16:00
- Friday
- 9:00-16:00
- Saturday
- 10:00-17:00
- Sunday
Vill du lära dig Lödning teknik?
Steg för steg utförande
Få inte panik om din enhet går sönder. Vi erbjuder ett stort utbud av mobiltelefoner och; reparationstjänster för MacBook, iPhone, iPad, osv.
Vi erbjuder gratis felsökning. Du sparar tid och pengar. Beskriv ditt arrende. Vi berättar hur ska du gå tillväga med komplicerade lagningen. Kunden betalar post fram och tillbaka.
Våra utbildade tekniker reparerar din enhet så snabbt som möjligt, effektivt och håller dig informerad hela vägen på mail.
Välj den leveransmetod som passar dig. Vi ser till att din reparerade enhet returneras på ett säkert sätt. eller plocka upp den från vår kontor.
Google karta
Ikon Box
Are you looking for Android repair? We carry out large number of mobile repairs every day and help you fix the device.Apple iOS 8.0
Using the latest diagnostic tools, we are equipped in diagnosing the problem and making your tablet repaired.Menu

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Att vara vår kund enbär att du har alltid fler alternativ och hålla dig uppdaterad av den senaste tekniken som passar juste dig och uppfyller dina behov
Vårt löfte som ett elektroniskt reparationsföretag är att återanvända värde i varje projekt
samtidigt som vi levererar professionell expertis, exceptionell kundservice och kvalitetsreparation.
We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client relationship that allows us to meet and even exceed the goals of each of our projects.
We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client relationship that allows us to meet and even exceed the goals of each of our projects.
We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client relationship that allows us to meet and even exceed the goals of each of our projects.
Priserna varierar mellan olika enhetsmodeller, för mer specificerad kostnad, vänligen kontakta vår kundtjänst.
TJÄNSTER | Ord | Pro |
Screen repair | 300-: | 400-: |
Software issues | 300-: | 900-: |
Advanced repair | 850-: | 2500-: |
Phone software | 350-: | 750-: |
Mac hardware | 1150-: | KONTAKT |
Services | Ordinari | Premium |
Phone screen repair | 490-: | 560-: |
Tablet software install | 290-: | 390-: |
PC cleanup | 540-: | 720-: |
Phone software install | 250-: | 450-: |
Phone battery change | 200-: | RING OSS |
Columns and Layouts
Conservative Plan
We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client.
Project Plan
We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client.
Adjustment Plan
We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client.

We are Phone Geeks
We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations.
Screen Replacing
Drive Cleaning
Phone Repair Done Right!
Micro Repair roots is back to 2010 in stockholm and since then all we do is following the technological trend . With thousands of successful projects under our belt, we can proudly say that we are one of the most trusted repair company.
Our Phone Repair Business
We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client relationship that allows us to meet and even exceed the goals of each of our projects.
Our services are top quality which are just perfect to small companies that strives for a smooth IT solutions.
Superb Projects
Dedicated Team
Quality Materials
Reapir Mans
Instrumentvägen 20.
126 53. Hägersten.

Kunskap och handledning
Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive in-project choice.
Micro Repair - Miljövänlig
Bra på - Bemötande
Vi är - Ansvarsfulla
Vi gillar att - Reparera
Vår uppgift - Coachning & analys
Featured Icon
Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.
Our mission
Is to make customer happy.
Our goal
Successsful projects.
Our vision
Well built future.
A fresh coat of paint can entirely change the personality of your house. However, before you start your project, there are a few things that you will need to figure out such as the amount of paint you will need, the tools for the task, choose the color and many more. While there are lots of things to choose, it does not necessarily have to be daunting. With proper planning, the project will only be a great experience for you.
If you are looking to shift to a new house or want to renovate your existing one, the first thing you will need to think about is the painting. While it may be tempting to hire a professional to do it if you have never painted before, it will cost you a lot of money. Painting your own house allows you to experiment with something new and will help you save thousands of dollars.